7 Anime Eyecatches That Are As Memorable As The Shows Themselves


The best ones, despite being only a few seconds long, can stick out in my memory just as much as much as the most important moments of the shows that they're cramed into Of course, my claims of being a "connoisseur" would like be more be valid if I didn't spend last week asking my bosses "Hey, what are those little cartoons in the middle of episodes called?" So, yes, like my Canadian supermodel girlfriend that could't attend because she was too busy supermodeling or Frankenstein's monster, I've loved them without even knowing their name. But I knew that they mattered, and that's what counts.

And it's because they matter that I've decided to rank my seven favorite ones, starting with …

7. Paranoia Agent's Were As Haunting As The Show


Paranoia Agent So obviously it would have a creepy eyecatch. You don't really get a hint of what the show is about from these eyecatchesThey aim to throw you off guard and prepare you for the unsettling content to follow.

6. Ranma 1/2's Were Quirky And Cute

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I must confess that Ranma 1/2 It does not really hold a space in my heart like the rest of the stuff on this list. That said, the eyecatches for it are amazing. They are absolutely bursting with personality and are all intensely I just can't say panda drinking tea and being panda-ish. I just can't say to 'color color color color color color color color color color color color color color color color color color color color color 't.

Five. Dragon ballGave Us What We Wanted (More Young Goku)

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This big, buff adult Goku is definitely the "cooler" character, I do adore young Goku. So you want to see as much of him as you can, which makes the who's put on in the hospital forever. Dragon ball eyecatches a treat. They're just lil 'Goku doing stuff. And considering that the Dragon ball franchise has lasted over thirty years, "Goku doing stuff" is a formula that does not require any tampering.

4. "Who's That Pokémon?" Became A Catchphrase

So you do you have a show diligma: You have a show about hundreds of monsters that all have different names. And you have a market all of this monsters to children, historically, needs help learning the words for stuff. do you have Ash Ketchum yell "IT'S CALLED A SQUIRTLE, YOU TINY IDIOTS" at the screen? Maybe.

You take the critter that focuses on and you let the kids guess for the children's thoughts. If they've been paying attention or have prior knowledge for the franchises, They got it right! And if they haven't or they're my Dad, they'll get it wrong. Pokémon #realfans from the #fakefans.

3. One piece's Character Themes Were Beautiful And Simplistic

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I don't mean to clog your screen with hot takes today, but One piece Some have even called it "a good series," and ya know, I'd agree with them. And in the eyecatch department, it's no slouch. They have a different one for every main plays along with a The fact that Luffy is usually the main attraction on the show, his fellow Straw Hats are super important, too.

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Throughout the various Sailor Moon series, I've yet to find an abysmal eyecatch. They're so flashy and awesome. Sailor Moon RAs you may be able to tell from this list, I love any style and color palette that screams.

1. Yu Yu Hakusho's Goofy Eyecatch Often Contrasted The Show's Tone

So, you're watching Yu Yu HakushoHis body can't handle the intense power that he's been given and now blood is spurting from various spots on his body. He shrieks in agony. Death would be preferable to And meanwhile, all of his friends are being beaten senseless by demon combatants in a tournament. Things look hopeless. And then …


That is my interpretation of the Yu Yu Hakusho No matter how dark and desperate YYH It is a eyecatcher is always fun music and Koenma dropping on chibi Kuwabara's head.

How do you feel about the ones on this list? Let us know in the comments! What is your favorite anime eyecatcher?

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