The 4 Biggest Differences Between Raising Pokémon And Digimon As Pets


You sift through the eras of your life, some embarrassing (Why did I own so many tropical print shirts? Why did I spend the middle school dressed about– old dude vacationing in Beaufort, South Carolina?) and some baffling (What was planning to do with all those commemorative state quarters?) But sometimes, you find things that you immediately want to take back the present with you. case, it was all of the little Pokémon stuff that I amassed as a kid: The KFC stuffed toys from the commercial that revealed that Colonel Sanders choose the Blue version …

… the many trading cards, the "How to Draw Pokémon" book from the book fair that I'd trace over and then tell all of my one friends that I drew it on my own, the falling apart Pokémon Red / Blue Prima strategy guide where the writer revealed in the first paragraph that Pokémon was consuming his life in a way that he never thought possible …

pokemon red

… and the Pikachu, Charmander and Meowth electronic toys that I got for Christmas one year, the first two saying their names and the last one speaking Japanese, which baffled me as a kid because I didn't know what was The inside of it is Pikachu Virtual Pet, a little yellow device that's shaped to look like a Game Boy. And inside of it is Pikachu that you can walk with and give gifts to. And after a quick battery replacement, I found that it still worked.

Because, later this year, I also discovered the twentieth anniversary release of the It was fate. Digimon So, because I'd only raised Digimon Virtual Games in a Gamestop. I have two tiny monsters that I can take care of. Why hang out with other. people when I've got all the companionship I need right here:


For example, I have learned that there is a BIG difference between raising Pokémon and raising Digimon.


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Back in its early days, you could count on one thing with PokémonSure, eventually you'll earn its reflect through battling or risking your life for it, but at the beginning of the anime and in the Pokémon Yellow game, Pikachu begins its journey hoping that maybe you'll just release it or get lost and star to death in Viridian Forest. That's one of the reasons why Pokémon: Let's Go Ugh, Generation Z with their TiKTokTok have had an odd experience sometimes: Pikachu just unconditionally and immediately accepts you as soon as it meets you. It's the only time you'll ever hear me complain about "kids these days" having it too easy. and their memes and their Pokémon that LIKE them.

Unluckily for me, Pikachu was very aware that I had not played with it since the Clinton Administration, and it was Luckily for me, I got the Pikachu of the late 90s. pissedSo while everyone else is wearing their FitBit, I'm rocking a Pikachu that absolutely can't stand me on my hip. But the more you step, the more you And you give those points to Pikachu as gifts, and Pikachu will do a little dance and grow more please with you. As it turns out, though, no matter how many points I amass on the treadmill, it probably won 't make up for the two decades that my Pikachu spent in a desk drawer.

It's pretty, it's got it back to me, which means that at least it's on the screen (It can actually leave you, for you you are restarting, or hide from you.) Meanwhile, my Agumon in the Digivice is much less fickle. Oh, and it likes it a lot when I think it's trains and makes sure that battles don't kill it. Oh, and it likes it a lot when you pick up its poop.



It provides a cool life lesson for kids, teaching them not taking dumps on the floor all the time. But I did not know that Agumon, my sweet, simple lizard A common feature of virtual pets is that you have to clean their droppings. bro, would just crap, like, so muchI mean, all it eats is meat on the bone and protein vitamins, so it's not like it's getting too much fiber in its diet. It's pretty keto. But it's time I switch on to see it's okay or has evolved, it's been pushed to the side screen because its own habitat just can't handle how much it's pooping.

Meanwhile, Pikachu doesn't really go to the bathroom. It does have So there is a little like NYC studios where the landlord's gotta have a bed like it's gotta eat it as it is eats dinner and it goes to bed (there's cute little animations for each). a sink, so good luck with your butt, "Pikachu does own a toilet.

Pokémon will clean up their business after they're done. Digimon The walls are closing in. Help me, father. "will look to you and say


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Usually, in the middle of the day, if you shake the device, Pikachu will come on marching in or sometime ride a little scooter on the screen. But if Pikachu is doing You have to wait for Pikachu to finish its food before it is even considering going to a walk with you. something, like eating or sleeping, shaking the device actually makes Pikachu less friendly towards you.

Mean while, if you're like "Go back to bed, Agumon, you've been awake for four seconds," If you want to wake Agumon up to train for battle a dozen times, it's ready at all hours In fact, one of the only things that a Digimon After you've filled it with mutton and pills, it shakes its head "No," at which point you probably switch over to training with it for another hour .


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One of my favorite things about Digimon But, if you raise the friendship stat a bit, and the level up some more, you could digigolve Dogmon into BigDogWithCannonsmon. I think it's awesome, over to the virtual pets.

Like, my current Agumon Could Evolve, Because they're virtual pets and showing more than three letters on the screen at one time would cause the device to explode, you don't get a lot So I could get a Seadramon, but because I haven't been taking notes, I will never know how.

You'll never have to worry about finding a Thunder Stone or learning that it's been replaced with a Koffing or something. Instead, all you have to worry about best friend suddenly starting to hate you out of nowhere.

And that's … better?

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Did us ever own either of these virtual pets? Let us know in the comments!


Daniel Dockery is a writer and editor for Crunchyroll. You should follow him on Twitter!

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