The official website for the ongoing TV anime adaptation of Riichiro Inagaki (story) and Boichi (art) 's sci-fi adventure manga Dr. STONE Announced two additional voice cast today: Akira Ishida (Kaworu Nagisa in Neon Geneis Evangelion) as Hyoga, a killer sent from Tsukasa's Empire of Might, and Aki Toyosaki (Yui Hirasawa in K-On!) as Homura, his right-hand person.
Message from Akira Ishida:
"I am going to play Hyoga, whose important thing is 'to do everything right.' For the future of Stone World, what is the right thing to do? completely different idea, which is not either of them, will be needed? While playing Hyoga, I will carefully watch how the story will end up going. "
"Dr. STONE" new character, two assassins from the priest empire has been lifted!
First of all, Hige is a super-dangerous messenger with overwhelming force comparable to the boss! A spooky black mask at the mouth …⁈
Character voice #Akira Ishida Mr.!
Cast comments
#Doctor Stone
— Anime “Dr. STONE” Official The 2nd cool broadcast starts in October! ! (@STONE_anime_off) October 28, 2019
Message from Aki Toyosaki:
"I have always liked the original manga and read it, so I am honored to be involved as an anime cast.Many unique characters appear in the story, and I am very happy because Homura is my favorite one among them! in the anime, and I will do my best to play her attractive.Please look forward to her appearance in the anime along with Hyoga! "
"Dr. STONE" Another new character is Hizuki (Hyuga: CV #Akira Ishida) Fanatic Homura! Play around the science kingdom with a female ninja (Kunoichi) faceless motor nerve!
Playing voice says that Homura was a favorite from the original #Ai Toyosaki Mr.!
Cast comments Stone
— Anime “Dr. STONE” Official The 2nd cool broadcast starts in October! ! (@STONE_anime_off) October 28, 2019
The TV anime adaptation co-animated by TMS Entertainment and 8PAN premiered in Japan on July 5, 2019, and has also been simulcast on Crunchyroll to its members worldwide excluding Asia.
Source: TV anime "DR.STONE" official website / Twitter
© Riichiro Inagaki, Boichi, SHUEIHSA, DR.STONE Project
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