No One Is Prepared For Tomorrow's Episode Of Black Clover


The last few episodes of Black clover We have the royal knights storming the base of the Eye of the Midnight Sun, a group of hates the ideas of the well of the Clover Kingdom. We get to see more action from Julius Novachrono, "The Wizard King who's so calm and unflappable that his whole energy could be described with" You've activated my Trap Card, Kaiba. "And the dream of every anime fan that is living, has ever lived, and will will live come true where , for a little bit, we got TWO Astas:


Not only is Asta talented enough to be a part of the Royal Knights but we also get double the Black clover We are truly blessed.

Oh, and I guess I should mention THAT surprise (STOP READING IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED): William Vangeance (Captain of the Golden Dawn of the Magic Knights) and Patolli (leader of the Eye of the Midnight) Sun) pulled a "IT'S ME AUSTIN" and revival that that two souls in the same body. And now Patolli, after giving a very absent villain speech (Kudos, for not wasting too much time giving us the standard "Human is I get it, villains of the world. The earth is imperfect, the nature of man is pain, we must start anew, etc. Just get to punching Goku), is now attacking Julius. So it's Patolli using his Kizaru-esque light magic against Julius' Time Magic, and things have just started heating up.


And even with all this, y'all aren't prepared for what's coming tomorrow in episode 93.

Look, I know a lot of people tell us every day that we're not prepared for some kind of entertainment that is to come. It's the best way to get people 'm not ready? In what regard?

Do I need to stock up on canned goods and prepare my Black clover fallout shelter? Do I need to practice emergency anime drills to ensure that my family knows what to do in the case of a Class 5 Black clover What do you need to make sure that my pillow is extra soft for when I cry big, beautiful anime tears into it later? Well, in the case of what's coming next, make sure to do all three. What, you don Where did you go when L died in 't have an anime fallout shelter? Death NoteOr when you discovered Rei was a clone in EvangelionY'all need to be prepared in times like these, so grab a shovel, dig a bunker, and fill it with Darling in the FranXX posters and Naruto headbands.


Because what's to come isn't going to just change the plotline of Black cloverNor is it going to be a simple "this character promised that they would get stronger." No, the entire fabric of the Black clover Saying anymore would spoil it. And I'm not about that.

Put on some kind of wistful music, like "100 Years" by Five for Fighting or something, to set the mood. So, let's just take a look at the good times in the past.

Let's take a stroll through memory lane before Black clover crushes us entirely.


A www, remember that? When the biggest concern of Black clover I knew that, In those days, Asta spent most of his time doing sit-ups in the woods, but it was a simpler time.


I look like Gollum cosplaying as Ethan Hawke, and puberty hit me like a character customization setting in an RPG, giving all of my points to "Social Awkwardness" and none to "Proper Facial Hair." So " handsome jerk "is how I just describe everyone now.


"I have no regrets or poop left in me" should be a popular refrigerator magnet slogan, selling alongside the ones that say stuff like "I have two rules in life: Wine and I forgot the second rule." In fact, any of these quotes would look good on a fridge.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is revel in the happy memories of Black cloverCherish them and hold them close. Tell them your grandchildren around a warm fire and whisper them to your partners before you go to sleep. Bring them up at parties and when someone asks why you're ruining Allison's birthday Black clover trivia again, just tell them that once watch watch 93, they'll understand. Everything changes on July 23's episode of Black Clover, which you can watch, as always, on Crunchyroll.

black clover

Let us know in the comments (and don't spoil anything if you've read the manga!) Are you excited for what's coming next?


Daniel Dockery is a writer and editor for Crunchyroll. You can follow him on Twitter!

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