Early in the morning on November 24 in Japan, NHK reported that Kyoto Animation ’s Studio 1 – the site of the horrific arson attack on the beloved anime studio that occurred on July 18, killing 36 of the studio ’s staff members – will start being demolished on November 25.
Kyoto Animation president Hideaki Hatta said in an interview in July that, discussing Studio 1, "when I consider the staff and the people in this neighborhood, there are people who don't want to see such a gruesome sight." The charred remains of the studio are currently in full view to the residents and any passers-by on the train due to the size of the studio in the suburban Kyoto landscape (pictured below).
President Hatta and a lawyer representing Kyoto Animation held a briefing for the residents of Fushimi City to discuss the upcoming demolishment and future construction for the site.The demolishment of the main building will start in January 2020 and is scheduled for completion in April 2020, the remainder of 2019 will see scaffolding being erected around the studio.It has n’t been decided what the site will be used for just yet.
Source: NHK
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