The official Twitter for the forthcoming TV anime adaptation of Kouko Shirakawa's Kokyu no Karasu (Raven of the Inner Palace) novel series has posted conceptual visuals featuring its three main characters and their VAs – Jusetsu Ryu and Saku Mizuno, Koshun Ka and Masaaki Mizunaka, Jiujiu and Marika Kouno.
Mizuno says on Twitter, "They took a very beautiful picture of me! Too awesome that I'm standing alongside Jyusetsu. I'm soooo glad." Meanwhile, Kouno writes, "Using raven black as a base color, and I put a character color in one point. I was wondering if Jiujiu's color is yellow?, but it was pink. Peach color earrings."
Saku Mizuno and her character Jusetsu Ryu:
Masaaki Mizunaka and his character Koshun Ka:
Marika Kouno and her character Jiujiu:
\#水野朔×#柳寿雪#水中雅章×#夏高峻#高野麻里佳×#九九TOKYO MXほかにて10/1(土)23:30~より放送開始!
— TVアニメ「後宮の烏」公式 (@kokyu_anime) August 26, 2022
The TV anime adaptation is set to premiere in Japan on October 1, 2022.
1st PV:
Key visual:
Novel synopsis (via: Seven Seas Enterntainment):
Deep within the palace lives a mysterious woman known only as the Raven Consort. Some say she’s an old woman, others that she’s young and beautiful. But all are agreed on this: her dark arts have the power to exorcise spirits, lay fatal curses, and find what has been lost—for a price. When the young emperor, Koushou, seeks out the Raven Consort to make use of that magic, what follows will overturn the court…and perhaps even the country.
Main voice cast:
Main staff:
RELATED: Kokyu no Karasu Anime Takes Flight with Enchanting New Visual and Trailer
Source: "Kokyu no Karasu" anime official Twitter
©Kouko Shirakawa/SHUEISHA, "Kokyu no Karasu" Production Committee
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