As part of the third generation of Love Live! groups, Nijigasaki High School Idol Club ’s Rina Tennoji (voiced by Chiemi Tanaka, Ririko Oribe in Sakura Quest) shy ’s away from the fame and hide behind her “Rina-chan Board,” where she draws the expression she wants people to see because she ’s unable to express herself properly on her own face.During performances, she uses a tablet to change expressions on a whim.
Spoilers for Love Live! School Idol Festival ALL STARS to follow
During the latest refresh for the new Love Live! School Idol Festival ALL STARS Mobile game, a new story for Rina Tennoji was released, with a surprising twist.After maxing her out, a clip plays that shows off her real face, with a cute story.
The tease from the reveal!
This is the first time in Tennoji ’s face has been seen.Even during the reveal for PDP, she used a tablet to cover her face which different expressions on them.
Rina Tennoji's adorable face!
Love Live! School Idol Festival ALL STARS was released in Japan on September 26 for mobile devices, with a global version announced.
Source: Otakomu
Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News.He also runs the YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza And posts photos of his travels on Instagram.
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