NEWS QUIZ: So I'm a Spider, So What? Edition

Spider News Quiz

So you're a spider, big whoop! Now you find yourself reincarnated in another world with eight legs, and you've gotta use at least one of your appendages to take this week's News QuizWill you emerge victorious to continue your life as an arachnid, or will you immediately be eaten by others of your kind? Take your chances below as we weave a wicked web of weekly whats, whys, and wherefores about this week's news and features.

Not all the questions this week are about So I'm a Spider, So What?, but the stakes are high if you want to survive in your new form. Can you score a perfect 10/10 on our quiz and live to skitter away and spin your silken web another day? Let us know how you did in the comments, and you can also tweet at Crunchyroll To share your accomplishment with everyone.

Last week's quiz was tough, but a couple Crunchyroll users managed to score 10/10, including Le_gasp and Crab_789. Now let's get some more readers on the board this week!


Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his brand new comic, MONSTER FLIGHT, at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox..

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