QUIZ: What Non-Unique Skill Would You Have in the Slime Universe?

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

That Time I got Reincarnated as a Slime Is a world where the better the skills, the higher you're ranked. Extra skills, intrinsic skills, common skills, unique skills… the list goes on and on. Find out what skills you would have in our latest quiz, and take a guess as to how far you would make it in the Slime Universe!

What skills did you end up with? How do you think you ’d fare in the Slime Universe? Let us know in the comments down below and on social media!

Annie is a writer for Crunchyroll Features. Her skill would be Thought Communication! She also runs Annieme, a blog committed to anime and mental health. Follow her @anniemeaddict..

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