Shirobako Anime Film is Completed Says Director, Opens on February 29

Shirobako anime film

There ’s some good news and some bad news for people excited to see the Shirobako anime film in Japan when it opens on February 29. The good news is that after director Tsutomu Mizushima tweeted out that the “Final cut [was] finished ” – Referring to the animation – on February 4, he followed that up on February 26 by tweeting out that the “SHIROBAKO movie has been completed,” with the film fully ready to hit Japanese screens.

The bad news is that due to new measures implemented by the Japanese Government and the New Coronavirus Disease Control Headquarters, the stage events surrounding the film scheduled for February 29, March 1, March 7, and March 8 have been canceled. The new measures have canceled events all over Japan, including concerts for Sound! Euphonium, Love Live!, and bands, Perfume, Exile and more.

Previously released Trailer:

Previously Released key visual:

Shirobako film

The Shirobako anime film draws its way onto Japanese screens on February 29 as an anime film about the making of an anime film.The original SHIROBAKO TV anime series, which streams on Crunchyroll, aired in 2014.

Sources: Tsutomu Mizushima on Twitter, Shirobako official website

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Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News.He also runs the YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza And posts photos of his travels on Instagram.

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