Spend a Romantic Christmas Eve in Japan Marathoning School Days TV Anime on AmebaTV

School days

Christmas Eve in Japan is usually spent with your significant other; sailing on a nice boat, enjoying the Christmas illuminations, or eating KFC. But, in our informed, expert opinion, one of the most romantic things you can do together is cooking a nice meal and watching romantic anime, like School days.

If this seems right up your alley (and you ’re in Japan) then AmebaTV, a video streaming website with channels, is showing every episode of School days on Christmas Eve, in what is now an annual tradition.

AmebaTV promoted the marathon on Twitter with a sweet video (click through to see it):

If you ’re outside Japan and want to join in the festivities, Crunchyroll streams every episode of School days on the platform, letting you enjoy the sweet moments between Makoto and Kotonoha. The marathon starts at 6:50 PM on December 24.

Source: AmebaTV on Twitter via Otakomu

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Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News.He also runs the YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza And posts photos of his travels on Instagram.

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