I’m really looking forward to this conversation today! Angelo Keely is one of my most inspiring and favorite friends, and I admire him so much both personally and professionally. Angelo is the CEO of Kion, a lifestyle supplement and functional food company he founded along with Ben Greenfield. I love...
I’ve shared my recipes for homemade herb and spice blends before, and one of my favorites is homemade pumpkin pie spice. It’s simple to make and is an easy way to make sure there are fresh spices (and only that) in your blend. You can also adjust the recipe based...
Ear infections are rough, especially for kids who are suffering through one. We recently took a family trip to the beach and all of my children practically lived in the water for a week. I typically bring 3% hydrogen peroxide to use in their ears after swimming in the ocean...
The Finnish people have known all about sauna benefits for years, and the rest of the world is finally starting to catch on! After spending time in Finland, daily sauna use is a regular part of my routine, and years of scientific research back this practice. What Is a Sauna?...
Soups and stews are a great meal choice for cool evening or afternoons when you want something hearty to warm you up. They are also easy to make and packed with nutrients too, making them one of my go-to meal ideas for busy nights. Healthy Tom Kha Gai Recipe Thai...
Today we’re going in a different direction but it’s one more closely related to physical health than we often realize. I am here with Dr. Kelly Brogan, MD, whom you have heard from before. (See the show notes below for her first episode.) She’s board-certified in psychiatry, psychosomatic medicine, and...
I’ve mentioned several times on my podcast that my husband and I have created a business incubator of sorts for our children. It’s a mini Shark Tank model that we will use to teach them business skills and life lessons during their high-school years. It’s easier to do this since...
I get quite a few questions about skin problems like eczema and psoriasis. I’m not a dermatologist by any means, but I have had some personal experience with eczema (in myself and family) and have found some natural remedies that have helped us so I wanted to share. As always,...
I love the approach of soup weather at our house, when the Instant Pot starts to live on the counter and all of the favorite cold-weather comfort foods start their rotation. In fact, tomato soup was one of my favorite soups before switching to a real-food diet. Now, I don’t think...
Today’s guest, Ryan Holiday, has been on my dream list of interviews for a long time. He is the best-selling author of many books including Ego is the Enemy, The Obstacle is the Way, and his newest Stillness is the Key, along with the Daily Stoic, a book I read...
Reading Time: 6 minutes Every year as the weather gets cooler and the days get shorter, I experience a Fall-induced form of “nesting.” Unlike the hormone-driven one in pregnancy, this is one is less about alphabetizing the contents of the freezer and more about filling the house with everything soft and warm...
Reading Time: 5 minutes Egg allergies are on the rise and one of the most common allergens in children, second only to dairy allergies. My most recent test showed that I had actually reversed my sensitivity to grains and dairy but still had a strong reaction to eggs. (A little...
I’m going to go ahead and say it: this is one of my favorite interviews I’ve ever done to date! You definitely need an open mind for this one. We’re talking about how a breakthrough technology could change the way we manage, treat, and actually fix things like anxiety, treatment-resistant...
Reading Time: 3 minutes Love it or hate it (we love it!) meatloaf is a classic comfort food. This is a great versatile base recipe that works in the slow cooker or Instant Pot to keep things simple. I can either pop it in the slow cooker early in the...
Reading Time: 7 minutes It wasn’t until I had my first child that I ever really thought about the ingredients used to make many common household objects or their potential dangers. Once I had a little one who completely relied on me for his safety, I started to really research...
Reading Time: 10 minutes Second to fat, protein is one of the most misunderstood and sometimes vilified sources of nourishment. Protein can be obtained from a large variety of foods, but many disagree as to the healthiest sources of protein and how much we really need. Some prefer to get...
Before switching over to a real food lifestyle, I used to love coconut shrimp. I figured there had to be a delicious healthy version I could make at home. Luckily, this one worked out within the first couple tries and couldn’t be easier! So here it is… straight from what I...
Today we take a bit of detour from the usual topics to one that is deeply personal and probably not talked about enough. We’re discussing sex, libido, and intimacy, all rolled into one… and I think we all know this can be an interesting area to navigate post-motherhood! If you...
In healthy living circles, essential oil use is often an everyday thing. It seems like there’s no harm jumping on the bandwagon! Since essential oils are natural and have amazing benefits, they must be safe to diffuse at will and slather all over your body daily, right? You might guess...
I’ve been using herbs and herbal preparations for years now to treat mild issues at home. Horsetail (also called shavegrass) is an herb that I always keep in the herb cabinet (which is what I have instead of a medicine cabinet!). It has been my go-to for hair, skin, and nail...