The Quintessential Quintuplets Exhibition is Traveling to Osaka with New Goods

The first ever solo Quintessential Quintuplets exhibition was held in Ikebukuro earlier this year and was such a success that the Nakano sisters and Futaro are taking a trip down to Osaka in November to show off the exhibition on the 2F of the ATC Gallery in Osaka ’s Suminoe Ward. The exhibition will be based off what was seen in Tokyo, which was covered by our Japan correspondent during its run.

Quintessential Quintuplets exhibition

The new goods on sale at the venue are based off a new visual of the sisters in swimwear:

Quintessential Quintuplets exhibition

Quintessential Quintuplets exhibition

As well as a puppet version of Futaro, something I ’m sure the sisters would love:

Quintessential Quintuplets exhibition

Alongside the new goods, most of the goods that were sold at the Tokyo exhibition will also be sold in Osaka.

Quintessential Quintuplets exhibition

The exhibition will run from November 9 to 17, with tickets from 1,700 yen (US $ 16) for advanced sales or 2,000 yen (US $ 18) Each ticket comes with an exclusive paper signboard of one of the sisters.The second season of The Quintessential Quintuplets has been announced, and you can catch up on the first season right here on Crunchyroll!

Source: PRTimes

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Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News.He also runs the YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza And posts photo of his travels on Instagram.

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