The official website for the forthcoming live-action adaptation film of the Naoki Prize-winning author Mizuki Tsujimura's popular novel about the anime industry, Haken Anime!, has announced the voice cast members for its two in-story anime films, "Soundback – Kanade no Ishi-" and "Unmei Sensen Liddell-Light."
"Soundback – Kanade no Ishi-" voice cast:
Main staff:
"Soundback – Kanade no Ishi-" teaser trailer:
"Unmei Sensen Liddell-Light" voice cast:
Main staff:
"Unmei Sensen Liddell-Light" teaser trailer:
超豪華声優陣 集結✨
実写パートにも声優役で #梶裕貴、#潘めぐみ、#木野日菜、#速水奨、#高橋李依、#小林ゆう、#近藤玲奈、#兎丸七海、#大橋彩香 出演????
— 映画『ハケンアニメ!』公式【5/20(金)公開決定!】 (@hakenanime2022) February 24, 2022
The film will be narrated by Romi Park (Edward Elric in Fullmetal Alchemist). In addition, Yuki Kaji, Megumi Han, Hina Kino, Show Hayami, Rie Takahashi, Yu Kobayashi, Reina Kondo, Nanami Tomaru, and Ayaka Ohashi will also appear in the live action part of the film.
The story centers on Hitomi Saito, a former local government employee who has jumped into the world of the anime industry. She makes her directorial debut and competes for the title of "Haken" (supremacy) with the star director of her dreams, Chiharu Ouji. He has produced many mega-hit films and is returning to the director's chair for the first time in eight years. Hitomi struggles to win the title "Haken" together with the peculiar producer and her unique colleagues. "Soundback – Kanade no Ishi-" is Hitomi's directorial debut film in the story, while "Unmei Sensen Liddell-Light" is Chiharu Ouji's new film.
The live-action film Haken Anime! directed by Kohei Yoshino, who participated as a CG creator in Makoto Shinkai's 2016 anime feature film Your Name. and has worked on numerous commercials and music video, is set to be released in Japan on May 20, 2022. Toei Animation supervises the project.
Teaser trailer:
Teaser visual:
Source: "Haken Anime!" official website / Twitter
©2022 Movie "Haken Anime!" production Committee, Toei
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