Netflix has unveiled the first trailer for a brand-new anime adaptation of the Bandai Namco 3D fighting game franchise in Tekken: Bloodline. The new anime series will be released later in 2022 and the first key art has also been released, embedded below:
here's a poster so you can get a better first look at Tekken: Bloodline
¡Y aquí el cartel promocional para ir abriendo boca!— Netflix Anime (@NetflixAnime) March 19, 2022
"Power is everything." Jin Kazama learned the family self-defense arts, Kazama-Style Traditional Martial Arts, from his mother at an early age. Even so, he was powerless when a monstrous evil suddenly appeared, destroying everything dear to him, changing his life forever. Angry at himself for being unable to stop it, Jin vowed revenge and sought absolute power to exact it. His quest will lead to the ultimate battle on a global stage — The King of Iron Fist Tournament.
SOURCE: Netflix
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