May of 2019 saw the debut of Pokémon Rumble Rush, a free-to-play mobile version of the Pokémon Rumble spinoff series that let players control Pokémon through tap controls.Now, less than a year later, the app has announced a date for the end of service.
Pokémon Rumble Rush will officially end service on July 22After that day at 1:59 am UTC, you will no longer be able to newly install or update the game, and will be unable to play any previously installed versions. Surprisingly, though, developer Ambrella has a May 27 update planned that will introduce one final lineup of new Pokémon.
As you can see in the End of Service note below, paid item sales came to an end today, but you can still use the Poké Diamonds you already purchased until the app comes to a close.
Via Kotaku
Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine.You can read his webcomic, BIG DUMB FIGHTING IDIOTS at subhumanzoidsFollow him on Twitter @Moldilox.
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