Attack on Titan is nearing its Final Season, meaning that this monumental series is coming to a close. A lot has happened during the past three seasons, though — numerous cool titans, countless characters, and a handful of twists that probably caught you off guard, or at least kept you on the edge of your seat. So, to celebrate the conclusion of Attack on Titan, I & # 039; ve created a quiz to test your knowledge of it. Have you been paying close attention, or do you need to rewatch from the beginning to study up? Let & # 039; s find out!
Quiz Maker –powered by Riddle
What score did you get? Are you a cadet or a novice? Let us know in the comments!
And be sure to catch up on Attack on Titan Season 1-3 HERE!!
Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
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